Published Jul 4, 2023


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Daniel Upegui

Juan Carlos Aldana Leal

Emily Vargas



The progress towards the adoption of complex technologies for medical diagnosis, requires analyzing their economic and technical advantages. Two dual-head injectors were compared regarding cost, time and volume of contrast medium used during computed tomography, in a prospective analysis of 103 procedures. Two observers recorded consumable goods and performance indicators during the use of (OptiVantage®) and (Medrad® Stellant) combined with the use of Medrad Stellant Multi-Patient Kit; the costs associated with routine use and recommended use in a third level care institution in Colombia were determined. Preparation time was 23.3 seconds more (p < 0.000) with OptiVantage® (52.2 seconds, 95%CI 46.7 - 56.7) compared to the Medrad® Stellant injector group (28.9 seconds, 95%CI 21.8 - 39.5). The volume of injected contrast medium was greater by 8.7 mL (p < 0.005) with OptiVantage® (68.4 mL, 95%CI 63.4 - 73.3) versus the Medrad® Stellant injector (59.7 mL, 95%CI 56.7 - 62.7). The total cost per use of Medrad® Stellant is 8% lower in the routine mode of use. The Medrad® Stellant CT Injection System combined with the use of the Medrad Stellant Multi-Patient Kit is more efficient, offers safety and a lower total cost per procedure performed. 


inyector de doble jeringa, medio de contraste, análisis de costos, tomografía computarizadadual-syringe power injector, contrast medium, cost analysis, tomography scanners

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How to Cite
Upegui, D. ., Aldana Leal, J. C., & Vargas, E. (2023). Cost and Performance Indicators Comparison of two Dual-Head Contrast Medium Injectors during Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography. Universitas Medica, 64(2).
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