Published Dec 28, 2013

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Daniela Lopes-Scarpa

Silvia Luzia Frateschi-Trivelato



In order to study the relationship between scientific culture and school culture, we analyzed scholarly texts and work of primary school students. The Toulmin model of argument and linguistic marks were used to identify the elements of argumentation. The analysis shows that students use substantial arguments, while scholars employ analytical arguments. A differentiated use of verbal times allowed us to suggest the transformation of functional biology into historical narration. The chosen vocabulary and the use of adjectives showed the flow between values of truth and knowledge. The analysis allowed us to elaborate on the hybrid character of the science education.

How to Cite
Lopes-Scarpa, D., & Frateschi-Trivelato, S. L. (2013). Movements between School Culture and Scientific Culture: Analysis of Argumentation in Different Contexts. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 6(12), 87–103. Retrieved from