Published Jan 1, 2019


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Darcy Milena Barrios-Martínez

Zulma Patricia Zuluaga-Ocampo

María Caridad García-Cepero

Félix Antonio Gómez-Hernández

Andrea Santamaría

Laura Estefanía Castro-Fajardo

Andrea Sánchez-Vallejo



¨Presents some results from the research titled Emergence Routes for the Teaching Talent, which was primarily intended to identify and examine factors associated with the talent emergence of teachers who did an outstanding pedagogical use of the technologies. In the analysis thereof, it is noticeable the work in the Communities of Practice (CoP) as a fundamental ecosystem for the emergence of teaching talent where the pedagogical experience serves as the cohesive axis. In addition, multi-affiliation appears as a dynamic that broadens the possibilities to negotiate the meaning of an experience and as a process impacting the teacher’s identity construction.


Talent, teaching professio, identity, teaching practice, community of practice, multi-affiliationTalento, docencia, identidad, práctica docente, comunidad de práctica, multiafiliación

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How to Cite
Barrios-Martínez, D. M., Zuluaga-Ocampo, Z. P., García-Cepero, M. C., Gómez-Hernández, F. A., Santamaría, A., Castro-Fajardo, L. E., & Sánchez-Vallejo, A. (2019). Communities of Practice as a Comprehensive Framework for Teacher’s Talent. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 11(23), 75–94.