Published Mar 26, 2019


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Mirna Delia Salinas-Quiroga

Francisco González-Salazar



Nowadays many college students have a job while they complete the college studies. This research aims to compare the differences in the Grade Point Average (GPA) between den- tistry students who study and have a job and those who only study. The dentistry students from a college in North-Eastern Mexico were asked to answer a survey. The GPAs of students who study and have a job were similar to the GPAs of those who only study. In addition, it was found that the students who work in tasks related to the dentistry studies obtain better GPAs.


Work, student’s job, student’s performance, dentistry, MexicoTrabajo, trabajo estudiantil, rendimiento académico, odontología, México

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How to Cite
Salinas-Quiroga, M. D., & González-Salazar, F. (2019). How Having a Job Influences the GPA in Dentistry Students. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 12(24), 41–52.