Published Feb 3, 2020


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Simón Montoya-Rodas

Héctor Fabio Ospina-Serna



This article provides a state-of-the-art analysis of academic publications dealing with the relationships between the concepts giftedness/exceptional talents and subjectivity/ identity in the Colombian academic production. It is then compared to the international databases. Likewise, this work provides a pedagogical reflection analyzing the disciplines, methods and information sources, and identify some emerging categories: diversity, race studies, gender and bilingualism, reflections on diagnosis, and struggle to be recognized. These studies are predominantly of an analytical empirical nature and performed from the psychology. Finally, possible paths for research both in Colombia and internationally are set out based on the latest advances.


Gifted students, Colombia, identity, scientific methodsAlumno superdotado, Colombia, identidad, método de investigación

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How to Cite
Montoya-Rodas, S., & Ospina-Serna, H. F. (2020). Giftedness and Identity: Lines and Methods. An International Reading from Colombia. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 13, 1–23.