Published Jun 1, 2009

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Miguel A. Santos Rego

María del Mar Lorenzo Moledo

Diana Priegue Caamaño



There is common agreement in the literature on school and cultural development in both primary and secondary education in terms of the use of cooperative learning techniques. This study deals with the effects that Eliot Aronson’s Jigsaw technique has produced in a group of teachers (N = 6) working in heterogeneous ethno-cultural classrooms. We used a quasi-experimental design for two groups, with pretests and postests. What our results show is the need of their systematic incorporation in the initial and continuous training of teachers, taking into account the advantages gathered in the course of the experience.


training of teachers, intercultural education, educational innovations, motivation in education, learning processesFormación profesional de maestros, educación intercultural, innovaciones educativas,, motivación en educación, proceso de aprendizajeFormação profissional de professores, Educação intercultural, Inovações Educativas, Motivação na educação, Processos de aprendizagemFormación profesional de maestros, educación intercultural, innovaciones educativas, motivación en educación, proceso de aprendizaje

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How to Cite
Santos Rego, M. A., Lorenzo Moledo, M. del M., & Priegue Caamaño, D. (2009). Cooperative learning: pedagogic practice for school and cultural development. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(2). Retrieved from