Published Aug 14, 2023


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Lorena-Pía Medina-Morales

Constanza Fernanda Alvarado-Vargas

Pablo César Ojeda-Lopeda

Fernanda María Ignacia Mansilla-Vargas

Dominga Ortíz-Barraza

Tomás Eduardo Llanos-Marchant



This research article reports on the results of a study which allows us to hear the voices of a group of students who speak of their experiences of communication for learning in Language and Mathematics classes.Fourteen focus groups,of a mixed nature,were studied, made up of students from three subsidized private schools, in Santiago, Chile, who were in the 5th year of basic education.This body of information was subjected to a dialogical analysis of the discourse.The results show that the students assign a strong importance to socio emotional aspects, alterity and an integral education when they characterize successful methods of learning.


Estudiante de primaria, aprendizaje, comunicación, afectividadPrimary school students, learning, communication, emotions

How to Cite
Medina-Morales, L.-P., Alvarado-Vargas, C. F., Ojeda-Lopeda, P. C., Mansilla-Vargas, F. M. I., Ortíz-Barraza, D., & Llanos-Marchant, T. E. (2023). Communicative Conditions for Learning: What do the Students Say?. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 16, 1–26.