Published Jun 1, 2011


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Sandra Pereira Tosta



This paper discusses interdisciplinarity between the fields of anthropology and education, which is found to be necessary in order to understand one of the fundamental issues at school: cultures and the construction of identities as a part of the learning and socialization processes. From this perspective, a discussion of the categories of culture and identity, and their presence at school, is put forward. This discussion is based on frequent situations involving teachers and pupils, challenging us to think about the dimensions of training and teaching today.



Educational Anthropology, Education and Culture, Cultural Identity, Social Integration, Learning Processes, Teacher Participation, Teacher EducationAnthropologie de l'éducation, Éducation et culture, Identité culturelle, Intégration sociale, Processus d'apprentissage, Participation de l'enseignant, Formation des enseignantsAntropologia educacional, educação e cultura, iden- tidade cultural, integração social, processos de aprendizagem, participação dos professores, formação de professores., identidade culturalAntropología de la educación, educación y cultura, identidad cultural, integración social, proceso de aprendizaje, participación del profesor, formación de docentes

How to Cite
Pereira Tosta, S. (2011). Antropologia e educação: culturas e identidades na escola. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 3(6).