Published Mar 31, 2022


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Víctor Jesús Rendón-Cazales

María de las Mercedes de Agüero-Servín

Mario Alberto Benavides-Lara

Maura Pompa-Mansilla



This study deals with the discursive construction of students through the narratives of teachers at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma of Mexico. It consisted of a qualitative investigation of eight focus groups with 86 university teachers where communicative episodes about their students were analyzed. Two main opposing and complementary discourses were identified: the narrative of shortfalls and the narrative of rich experiences. The discourses of shortfalls blamed the students for their lack of interest, seeing them as uninterested, conflictive and with educational deficits; while the discourses of riches praised the students for their potential, diversity and empathy.


Speeches, higher education, identity, university students, teaching professionDiscurso, educación superior, identidad, estudiante universitario, docencia

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How to Cite
Rendón-Cazales, V. J., de Agüero-Servín, M. de las M., Benavides-Lara, M. A., & Pompa-Mansilla, M. (2022). Pedagogical discourses about university students: shortfalls and riches. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 15, 1–24.