Published Dec 28, 2013


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Douglas Verrangia



This paper puts forward a number of discussions based in literature review and empirical research conducted by the author, about approaches that may help science education to develop didactical interventions that include a positive study of traditional African and afro-Brazilian knowledge. A series of suggestions are thus made available to teachers, teacher trainers, researchers and others that may be interested in effective education that fosters fair ethnic and racial environments at school.


História e cultura africana e afro-brasileira, ensino de ciências, educação das relações étnicorraciais,, ormação de professores., African and Afro-Brazilian Culture and History, Science Education, Teaching of Ethnic and Racial Relationships, Teacher TrainingHistória e cultura africana e afro-brasileira, ensino de ciências, educação das relações étnicorraciais, formação de professoresHistória e cultura africana e afro-brasileira, ensino de ciências, educação das relações étnicorraciais, formação de professores, Historia y cultura africana y afrobrasileña, enseñanza de ciencias, educación de las relaciones étnico-raciales, formación de profesores

How to Cite
Verrangia, D. (2013). A formação de professores de ciências e biologia e os conhecimentos tradicionais de matriz africana e afro-brasileira. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 6(12), 105–117.