MONO+KM: Knowledge Management in Collaborative Project Development
In the dynamics of collaborative project management, participating organizations make great efforts and provide technical, technological, and human resources to achievea product they can hardly develop individually. Although there are tools to integrate, monitor, and manage processesfor such projects, it is not uncommon to find technological support to manage the knowledge generated during their execution. Usually, this knowledge is part of the experience of participants but it is not recovered or documented nor is it used at an organizational level, thus losing an important asset. In this study we propose a technique in which a Knowledge Management (KM) approach is applied to the management of Collaborative Projects (CP) and where knowledge is expressed in terms of decisions. This is achieved through the analysis of interactions that occur among participants in these projects, the identification and recovery of decisions using Grounded Theory Method (GTM) techniques, and the specification of a set of concrete usage scenarios. The technique was applied in MONO, a framework for integration, control, and optimization of production processes in which digital content companies in the creative industry work collaboratively. The study provides an annotation model that, without being intrusive, allows for the recovery and structuring of knowledge expressed as decisions, thus making posible its replication in other domains.
knowledge management, collaborative project knowledge management, decision recovery, decisions as knowledge, decision recovery.administración de conocimiento, administración de conocimiento en proyectos colaborativos, recuperación de conocimiento, distribución de conocimiento, proyectos de contenido digital, toma de decisiones
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