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Vol. 20 No. 40 (2016)
Páginas preliminares
Memory in the Eyes. Reflections on Images and History: Can We Define a Colombian Repertoire?
Alessandra Merlo
Sin tÃtulo (Español (España))
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Women as Political Subjects During the Independence of the New Granada
Ana Serrano Galvis
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That is How it Happened. Nobody Told Us. Analysis of Visual Artifacts of the «So It Does Not Happen Again » of anfasep in Ayacucho
Camila Fernanda Sastre Díaz
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In-between Commitments and Regulations. Consolidation of the Urban-Architectonic Ideals in Porfirio’s Mexico (Merida, Yucatan, 1876 – 1911)
Gladys Noemí Arana López
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Configuration of the Argentinian Nation in the Image of the Popular Saint Gaucho Antonio Gil
Cleopatra Barrios Cristaldo
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The Inevitability and Fortuitous of Politic Violence. Liberalism and the War of a Thousand Days
Isidro Vanegas
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«I Came to Create it All »: Carlos Pellicer and the Student Association of Bogota 1918-1920
José Abelardo Díaz Jaramillo
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The Limits of Representation and Reflection Around the Fictionalization and Aestheticization of the Post-War Literature; The Case of the Survivors
Yasmín Conejo
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«Seducing», «Corrupting» and «Demoralizing». Representations of Rebel Women Made by the Provincial Authorities of Popayan (1841-1842)
Luis Ervin Prado Arellano
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Education Sciences in the Universidad Nacional de La Plata: History of a Hundred-Years Old Major (Argentina, 1914-2014)
María Eugenia Vicente
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Influence of the Physiocratic Thought in the Organization of Colombia Public Finance in the First Half of the 19th Century
Maribel de la Cruz Vergara
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Historical Memory in Colombia and the German Perspective
Tatjana Louis
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Territorial Defense of the Informational Extractivism
Alejandro Enrique Tinoco Carrillo
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Threats to the Royal Fidelity, Safety, and Trust: The Internal Mail Service in the New Kingdom of Granada after the Pando Reforms, 1764-1810
Roger Pita Pico
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Reality and Fiction about the Murder of Rafael Uribe Uribe in the Movie The Drama of 15 October in 1915
Yamid Galindo Cardona
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The Religious Matrix of Pentecostalism in Chile: The Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile and the Pentecostal Evangelical Church (1909-1973)
Luis Alberto Orellana Urtubia
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Teaching and Research.
Abel Ignacio López Forero
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Berthe, Jean-Pierre y Thomas Calvo, eds. Administración e imperio: el peso de la monarquía hispana en sus Indias (1631-1648). Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán, Fideicomiso Teixidor, 2011. 401 pp.
Julian Andrei Velasco Pedraza
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Tinajero, Araceli. El lector de tabaquería: Historia de una tradición cubana. Madrid: Editorial Verbum, 2007. 259 pp.
Pedro Javier Velandia Piedrahita
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