Percepción de los estudiantes de pregrado de medicina frente a la tasa de éxito de la reanimación cardiopulmonar: un estudio descriptivo
Introduction: According to the American Heart Association, the survival rate after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed at a hospital is 25.8%. In both medical staff and the general population, multiple factors cause an overestimation of the effectiveness of CPR maneuvers. Methods: Observational cross-sectional study. Through an online survey, the perception of medical students about the survival rate after receiving CPR in an in-hospital setting was inquired. Additionally, it was asked if they would accept CPR in case of presenting a cardiac arrest. Participants were then informed of the actual survival rates and asked again if they would accept receiving CPR. Results: 692 students were surveyed (78.9% of the target population). 61% of the participants stated that the survival rate after CPR was greater than 30%. Before knowing the actual survival rates, 95.5% would accept CPR maneuvers, and after knowing the actual survival rates, only 75.3% would accept them. Discussion: The results confirmed that the perception of the survival rate after in-hospital CPR maneuvers is overestimated by medical students. This could affect their medical criteria and shared decision-making process with patients. Additionally, having adequate information about the result of an intervention changes the decision towards receiving it or not.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation - ethics, clinical - education, medical - bioethicsreanimación cardiopulmonar, ética clínica, educación médica, bioética
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