Published Jan 31, 2010


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Julio César Castellanos Ramírez



Was conducted a retrospective study of the cost of initial management of cases of acute coronary syndrome in the San Ignacio University Hospital of Bogota, in the period between January and October 2010.

Objective: Make an estimate of the average medical cost and total mean for Colombia’s first acute care of these events. 

Methods: We studied 213 patients who were confirmed as ACS with an average stay of 7 days, with a maximum of 55 days and at least 1 day.
Result: We found overall average total cost $ 7,781,230 pesos, general drugs of $ 1,948,366 pesos and $ 1,948,366 $ 103,572 pesos. Reference to the expected cases of ACS for a year as adjusted for mortality estimates a projected annual medical cost anticipated or planned for Colombia (exchange rate used $ 1,850 pesos per dollar) US$ 228,886,152.00 and US$ 42,325, 685 for Bogota.

Conclusions: The cost of initial care of acute ACS care in Colombia is a middle position in the references used, notwithstanding that the material presented is estimated that every year means a major medical cost of nearly a quarter of a billion dollars for the country and more forty million dollars to Bogotá. Finally this paper only provides an initial approach that provides data to serve as reference for other institutions to develop their own studies and make follow-ups about it.


acute coronary syndrome, economics, therapy, síndrome coronario agudo, economía, terapia,

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How to Cite
Castellanos Ramírez, J. C. (2010). Projected cost in Colombia of acute coronary syndrome initial care. Universitas Medica, 52(1), 36–43.
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