Published Dec 15, 2013


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Gabriel Mosquera Klinger

Néstor Fabián Correa

Alejandro Concha Mejía



Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding is a common cause of chronic anemia, severity of anemia depends on the cause. We present the case of a patient with 2 causes undervalued in our midst. In the present article we present a case report of a farmer patient, without past medical history, who presented with symptoms of weakness, mucocutaneous pallor, documenting severe ferropenic anaemia, requering trasnfuctional support. We identified cameron lesions as the source of anaemia.


Anaemia, hiatal hernia, Cameron lesions, gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia, hernia hiatal, hemorragia gastrointestinal,

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How to Cite
Mosquera Klinger, G., Correa, N. F., & Concha Mejía, A. (2013). Obscure Bleeding and Severe Chronic Anaemia: Discussion about Two Causes Undervalued in Colombia. Universitas Medica, 55(2), 229–234.
Case Reports

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