Published Jun 1, 2015


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Jaime Mantilla Flórez

Andrea Suárez

Alfredo Laverde

Eliana María González-Neira

Daniel R. Suárez



Introduction: this study assesses the effect of mental training on the tasks execution times of laparoscopic skills training.

Methods: A Repeated Measures Experimental Design was executed. Two study groups were formed (an intervention group with mental training and a control group). Each group consisted in eight participants. Execution times in four tasks to practice four basic skills were registered three times in a period of one moth. Evaluated basic skills were cut, dissection, displacement and suture.

Results: Intervention group times had a significant reduction on three of the four tasks (displacement, dissection, and suture).

Conclusions: This protocol could be used as a complement on basic training for novices. It can reduce times and costs in a Laparoscopic course.


entrenamiento, laparoscopia, destreza motora, análisis de varianza, training, laparoscopy, motor skills, analysis of variance,

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How to Cite
Mantilla Flórez, J., Suárez, A., Laverde, A., González-Neira, E. M., & Suárez, D. R. (2015). Effect of Mental Training in Laparoscopic Surgical Skills. Universitas Medica, 56(4), 400–411.
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