Published May 25, 2016


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Gustavo Adolfo Giraldo Ospina

Eugenia Espinosa García



Rett syndrome (RS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by initial normal
evolution, with clinical characteristic of neuroregresión, an incidence of 1: 10,000 in
girls, this syndrome is considered one of the most common genetics diseases of cognitive
impairment in women. We report the case of a girl of four years old with clinical features of developmental regression, stereotyped

movements, compatible with Rett syndrome,
which her mother is giving 2 drops of oil of
marijuana like therapy. At present there are no
studies to recommend the medical use of marijuana
in Rett syndrome; treatment is symptomatic
and supportive, requiring an interdisciplinary
group of management


Rett’s syndrome, regression, developmental disabilities, medical marijuanasíndrome de Rett, regresión, discapacidades del desarrollo, marihuana medicinal

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How to Cite
Giraldo Ospina, G. A., & Espinosa García, E. (2016). Rett’s Syndrome with Questioned Management. Universitas Medica, 57(1), 123–131.
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