Published Apr 12, 2018


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Michelle Cortés Barré

Javier Francisco Gullén Olaya



Introduction: According to the experiential learning theory, each person develops a learning style that characterizes his/her preferred way to acquire and transform experiences to create knowledge. The objective of this study was to identify the learning styles of undergraduate medical students. Methods: The Kolb Learning Style Inventory was applied to first-year medical students at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia) during the second period of 2009. Results: 204 students completed the questionnaire (the average age was 18.5 years; 55% were women). Students preferred the abstract styles of learning, including assimilating (47%) and converging (27%) styles. Conclusions: Having information about medical students learning style preferences can help educators to design teaching strategies that promote a more effective learning. Teachers should provide a variety of learning contexts to stimulate the strengthening of their abilities.


learning; models/educational; education/medical/undergraduate.aprendizaje; modelos educacionales; educación de pregrado en medicina.

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How to Cite
Cortés Barré, M., & Gullén Olaya, J. F. (2018). Learning Styles of Undergraduate Medical Students. Universitas Medica, 59(2).
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