Published Jan 18, 2021


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Maria Isabel Ocampo Navia

Juan Carlos Gomez-Vega



A precise understanding of cerebral anatomy is fundamental in the practice and training of neurosurgeons. The anatomic study of cadaveric specimens has become one of the most useful methods of education in this field, since it facilitates the study of anatomic variations in different populations and refines critical surgical skills such as technique, depth, and visual spatiality through dissections for a better understanding of the human anatomy and the central nervous system. Thus, brain tissue preservation and coloration techniques have emerged as alternatives to standard morphological education, training and learning for neurosurgery residents. This article pretends to describe this techniques and the different cerebral vascular coloration methods. We seek to facilitate the creation of microsurgery laboratories and propose new alternatives that can be applied in the education of students and neurosurgery residents.


brain, cadaver, dissection, neuroanatomy, plastinationcerebro, cadáver, neuroanatomía, disección, plastinación

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How to Cite
Ocampo Navia, M. I., & Gomez-Vega, J. C. (2021). Brain tissue preservation and vascular staining techniques: A literature review. Universitas Medica, 62(1).

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