Published Oct 8, 2020

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María Eleonora Tejada López

María Carolina Pustovrh

Andrea Niño Castro

Lina Salazar



Introduction: During gestation, adaptive structural and hemodynamic changes occur which facilitate uteroplacental circulation in order to guarantee normal fetal growth and development. Currently 10% to 30% of women of reproductive age start pregnancy with obesity, a condition associated with abnormalities in the morphology and function of the heart, possibly related to the state of metainflammation characteristic of this pathology. These cardiac changes in obese pregnant women can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications during pregnancy.

Objective: To evaluate the impact of an obesogenic diet on the morphology and inflammatory profile of the heart in pregnant biomodels.

Methodology: Twenty hearts from two groups will be evaluated: 10 from obese Wistar rats with 12.5 of gestation and 10 of normal weight. Cardiac fibrillar composition will be carried out using Movat's pentachromatic staining. Levels of the inflammatory factors interleukin IL-1, interleukin IL-6, and TNF-α, will be determined by immunohistochemistry.

Results: This research will contribute to a greater understanding of the effects of maternal obesity on the fibrillar structure of the heart. Gestational obesity can be correlated with levels of cardiac inflammatory factors to produce complementary results, potentially helping to identify specific inflammatory markers in serum, enabling medics to determine the cardiovascular risk associated.  

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How to Cite
Tejada López, M. E., Pustovrh, M. C., Niño Castro, A., & Salazar, L. (2020). EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF AN OBESOGENIC DIET ON THE CARDIAC MORPHOLOGY OF BIOMODELS IN GESTATION. Universitas Medica. Retrieved from
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