Published May 24, 2021


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Valentina G´ómez Salazar

María Camila Garcés Medina

Diego Andrés Chavarro Carvajal

Juan Felipe Meneses Bernal

Carlos Alberto Cano Gutierrez

José Manuel Ignacio Santacruz Escudero




Objective: Evaluate the effects of the home care program of the Center of Memory and Cognition- Intellectus- in a group of multimorbid and dependent patients regards to the number of hospitalizations and consults to emergency service, before the program and one year after the follow-up.                                                                                                                                                 

Design: It´s a longitudinal study of before and after.                                                                 

Participants: Patients of the home care program of the Center of Memory and Cognition- Intellectus, who met inclusion criteria: attended at home by geriatrician aged 65 or over, chronic diseases or dementia, cancer or others, Barthel index less than 60, minimum follow up of one year in home care program.

Main measurements: Number of hospitalizations and visits to the emergency service, before and after the year of follow up.

Results: The average of hospitalizations decrease from 1.91 (SD 1.82 CI 1.50-2.32) to 0.96 (SD 1.43 CI 0.66 to 1.26) with statistical significance (p=0.002). The average number of visits to emergency service decreased significantly (p=0.0003) from 2.20 (SD 1.91 CI 1.77 to 2.63) to 1.20 (SD 1.69 CI 0.82 to 1.58).

Conclusions: A reduction in the number of visits to the emergency service and hospital admissions was evidenced with statistically significant difference.

Key Words: aged, house calls, hospitalization, emergencies.



anciano, visita domiciliaria, hospitalización, urgencias médicas.aged, house calls, hospitalization, emergencies


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How to Cite
G´ómez Salazar, V., Garcés Medina, M. C., Chavarro Carvajal, D. A., Meneses Bernal, J. F., Cano Gutierrez, C. A., & Santacruz Escudero, J. M. I. (2021). Effects of a Home Care Program in Geriatrics on the Number of Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits. Universitas Medica, 62(2).
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