Published May 24, 2021


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Carolina Gómez Rodríguez

Carlos Corredor Silva

Felipe Aluja-Jaramillo



The health emergency posed the challenge for us to give continuity to the academic programs, guaranteeing students the acquisition of practical skills and academic knowledge. Education institutions have had to modify the curriculums since the conditions in which they were designed have changed, generating new challenges for the institutions and for teachers. Our migration to virtual activities has been carried out satisfactorily, however, we undertook the task of knowing the perception of those involved in the training process. Virtuality was not here to stay, virtuality was already here, among us, a long time ago and yes ... definitely to stay.


Education Medical, Education Department, Hospital, Education Medical Graduate, Radiology Department HospitalEducación Médica, Servicio de Educación en Hospital, Educación de Postgrado en Medicina, ; Servicio de Radiología en Hospital

How to Cite
Gómez Rodríguez, C., Corredor Silva, C. ., & Aluja-Jaramillo, F. (2021). Implementation of Social Distancing in Radiology and DiagnosticImaging Education. Universitas Medica, 62(2).
Reflection Articles