Published Jul 1, 2021


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Natalia Hernandez Medina

Raúl Esteban Matiz Espinosa

Camilo Andrés Jiménez Cruz

Rafael Gustavo Castellanos Garzón



Myocarditis is usually caused by viral infections other causes include autoimmune diseases and other microbial agents. Fulminant myocarditis is an unusual complication that results in acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock. We present a case report of a patient without immunosuppression, with chest pain and decrease functional capacity, with electrocardiographic evidence of auriculoventricular block that results in acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock. Myocardial biopsy indicates fulminant myocarditis, that is unusual in immunocompetent patient. An advance hemodynamic monitoring and circulatory support was given with satisfactory results but with the need of a definitive pacemaker due to rhythm complication.


Miocarditis fulminante, insuficiencia cardíaca aguda, choque cardiogénicoAcute Heart Failure, Fulminant Myocarditis, Cardiogenic Shock

How to Cite
Hernandez Medina, N., Matiz Espinosa, R. E. ., Jiménez Cruz, C. A., & Castellanos Garzón, R. G. (2021). Stokes-Adams Syndrome as the Debut of Fulminant Myocarditis: A Successful Case Report. Universitas Medica, 62(3).
Case Reports

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