Published Sep 29, 2021


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María José Escobar Domingo

Isabela Piedrahita Yusti

Lina Becerra

Freddy Moreno

José Guillermo Ortega

Sandra Moreno Correa



Health students have high stress levels to the academic demands, which negatively impacts their health and academic performance. Because stress affects the physiological functioning of different metabolic, hormonal and immunological processes, strategies have been implemented to deal with it, hence the objective of this review of the literature was to identify the relationship that exists between the decrease in academic stress and the practice of yoga in students of the health areas. To do this, a systematic search of the literature was carried out, using the PRISMA statement, in the Medline bibliographic base through the use of the health descriptors "stress" and "yoga". After identification, selection and choice, 18 articles were included in the discussion. It was concluded that the practice of yoga reduces perceived stress as it increases physical and mental well-being.


Stress, Academic stress, Yoga, Health studentsEstrés, Estrés académico, Yoga, Estudiantes de salud

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How to Cite
Escobar Domingo, M. J., Piedrahita Yusti, I., Becerra, L., Moreno, F., Ortega, J. G., & Moreno Correa, S. (2021). Relationship between the reduction of academic stress and yoga practice in students of the health areas. Literature review. Universitas Medica, 62(4).
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