Published Jan 30, 2023


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Mateo Albornoz Sánchez

Mayerly Martínez

Magda Cepeda-Gil

Eddier Martínez-Álvarez

Yazmín Cadena-Camargo

Viviana Rodríguez



Primary health care (PHC) models are fundamental in the implementation of public policies. To guarantee part of its success, a clear understanding of the territory-territoriality concept is required, a binomial that allows the creator and decision-maker to be situated at the political level, not only in a geographical space on which they have to intervene, but also in the understanding of the social dynamics that are created around the place that is inhabited. Therefore, this article aims to contribute to the identification and construction of the definition of territoriality in the context of PHC models. For this, a study with mixed methodology was carried out. First, a systematic search of the literature was carried out on different virtual platforms, which allowed identifying the definitions of territory, territoriality and rurality in the context of models of primary and community health care, documents in Spanish, English and Portuguese were included, additional Added to this were documents from some public entities in Colombia. Subsequently, a methodology called world coffee-type meetings was carried out, where the opinion of people from the community and the institutional framework was known, in relation to the topics to be investigated, and finally a process of triangulation of the information was carried out, which resulted in new definitions of territory, territoriality and rurality. These definitions allowed us to conclude that the understanding and inclusion of the concept of territoriality, product of this document, is contemplated in the design, development and execution of plans, programs and projects in public health, which are carried out for each territory, since it is considered a key aspect to achieve success in relation to the implementation of health care models.


Territoriality, Rurality, Public Healthterritorialidad, Ruralidad, Salud Pública

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How to Cite
Albornoz Sánchez, M., Martínez, M., Cepeda-Gil, M. C. ., Martínez-Álvarez, E., Cadena-Camargo, Y., & Rodríguez, V. (2023). Approaches and Debates of Territoriality in the Territorial Model of Health of Bogotá (Colombia). Universitas Medica, 64(1).
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