Publicado Oct 9, 2011


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M. Olaya

J. Gamboa

L. Espinosa

P. Escalante

A.Pontificia Universidad Javeriana M. Uribe



Los tumores en niños tienen menor incidencia que en los adultos. Los tumores en fetos y en recién nacidos son aún más raros. Se reporta una serie de tres tumores germinales, uno en un recién nacido vivo, uno en un feto mortinato y el tercero presente en las membranas ovulares. Se revisa la información disponible sobre los tumores en este grupo de edad.

1. Hart I Jr. Tumors, in: Gilbert-Barness E. Potter´s pathology of the fetus, infant and child. Second edition. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier. 2007;1677-1742.
2. Maitra A, Kumar V. Diseases of infancy and childhood. In: Kumar V, Cotran RS, Robbins SL. Pathologic basis of disease. 7th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. 2010;447-83.
3. Lakhoo K. Neonatal teratomas. Early Human Development. 2010;86:643-7.
4. Heerema-McKenney A, Harrison M, Bratton B, Farrell J, Zaloudek C. Congenital teratoma. A clinic-pathologic study of 22 fetal and neonatal tumors. American Surgical Pathology. 2005;29:29-38.
5. Gordillo G, Olaya M. Teratoma congénito de origen intracraneano. Colomb Cancerol. 2009;13:44-8.
6. Norris HJ, Zirkin HJ, Benson WL. Immature (malignant) teratoma of the ovary: A clinical and pathologic study of 58 cases. Cancer. 1976;37:2359-72.
7. Medeiros F, Nucci M, Crum C. Germ cell tumors of the ovary, in: Crum C, Lee K. First edition. Diagnostic gynecologic and obstetric pathology. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. 2006;913-43.
8. Perlman E, Fritsch M. The female reproductive system. In: Stocker T, Dehner L, Husain A. Pediatric pathology. Third edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2011;837-64.
9. Keeling J. Fetal and neonatal pathology. 3rd edition. London: Springer. 2001;291-5.
10. Bolande R. Neoplasia of early life and its relationships to teratogenesis. Perspectives in Pediatric Pathology. 1976;3:155.
11. Takayasu H, Kitano Y. Successful management of a large fetal mediastinal teratoma complicated by hydrops fetalis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2010;45:E21-4.
12. Olaya M, Gordillo G, García C, Torres D. Agenesia pulmonar. Universitas Médica. 2010;51:94-102.
13. Yetkin U, Orgencalli A, Yuncu G, Gurbuz A. Large mediastinal teratoma originating from the aortic adventitia. Texas Heart Institute Journal. 2004;31:309-12.
14. Shine NP, Sader C, Gollow I, Lannigan FJ. Congenital cervical teratomas: Diagnostic, management and postoperative variability. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2006;33:107-11.
15. Biglioli F, Gianni AB, Di Francesco A. Congenital teratoma of the cheek: Report of a case. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.1996;25:208-9.
16. Hart I Jr. Perinatal (fetal and neonatal) germ cell tumors. J Pediatr Surg. 2004;39:1003-13.
17. Kudva R, Monappa V, Rai L. A diagnostic dilema with fetus acardius amorphous. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2010;53:378-9.
18. Wang L, Du X, Li M. Placental teratoma. A case report and review of the literature. Pathol Res Pract. 1995;191:1267-70.
19. Kraus F, Redline R, Gersell D, Nelson M, Dicke J. Tumor-like lesions and metastatic neoplasms, in: Kraus F, Redline R, Gersell D, Nelson M, Dicke J. Placental
pathology (Atlas of Nontumor Pathology
No. 3). Washington: AFIP; 2004;239-48.
Como Citar
Olaya, M., Gamboa, J., Espinosa, L., Escalante, P., & Uribe, A. U. J. M. (2011). Teratomas congénitos en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, serie de casos. Universitas Medica, 52(4), 442–451.
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