Laringoplastia de relajación o tiroplastia de tipo III
Nov 24, 2011
La tiroplastia de relajación está indicada en pacientes con alteraciones de la muda vocal (cambio de voz en la pubertad) resistentes al tratamiento con fonoterapia. El acortamiento de los pliegues vocales tiene como objetivo reducir la frecuencia de vibración, con lo cual el tono adquiere un carácter masculino.
Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino con puberfonía que alteraba su calidad de vida. Se revisan la técnica quirúrgica y los resultados.
1. Isshiki N, Morita H, Okamura H, Hiramoto M. Thyroplasty as a new phonosurgical technique. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;78:451-7.
2. Isshiki N, Taira T, Tanabe M. Surgical alteration of the vocal pitch. J Otolaryngol. 1983;12:335-40.
3. Friedrich G, de Jong FI, Mahieu HF, Benninger MS, Isshiki N. Laryngeal framework surgery: A proposal for classification and nomenclature by the Phonosurgery Committee of the European Laryngological Society. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2001;258:389-96.
4. Iseli M, Shue YL, Alwan A. Age, sex, and vowel dependencies of acoustic measures related to the voice source. J Acoust Soc Am. 2007;121:2283-95.
5. Spiegel JH. Phonosurgery for pitch alteration: Feminization and masculinization of the voice. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2006;39:77-86.
6. Tucker HM. Laryngeal framework surgery in the management of spasmodic dysphonia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1989;98:52-4.
7. Tucker HM. Anterior commissure laryngoplasty for adjustment of vocal
fold tension. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1985;94:547-9.
8. Kocak I, Dogan M, Tadihan E, Alkan Cakir Z, Bengisu S, Akpinar M.Window anterior commissure relaxation laryngoplasty in the management of high-pitched voice disorders. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008;134:1263-9.
9. Tucker HM. Complications of laryngeal framework surgery for phonation disorders. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 1993;4:232-5.
2. Isshiki N, Taira T, Tanabe M. Surgical alteration of the vocal pitch. J Otolaryngol. 1983;12:335-40.
3. Friedrich G, de Jong FI, Mahieu HF, Benninger MS, Isshiki N. Laryngeal framework surgery: A proposal for classification and nomenclature by the Phonosurgery Committee of the European Laryngological Society. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2001;258:389-96.
4. Iseli M, Shue YL, Alwan A. Age, sex, and vowel dependencies of acoustic measures related to the voice source. J Acoust Soc Am. 2007;121:2283-95.
5. Spiegel JH. Phonosurgery for pitch alteration: Feminization and masculinization of the voice. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2006;39:77-86.
6. Tucker HM. Laryngeal framework surgery in the management of spasmodic dysphonia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1989;98:52-4.
7. Tucker HM. Anterior commissure laryngoplasty for adjustment of vocal
fold tension. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1985;94:547-9.
8. Kocak I, Dogan M, Tadihan E, Alkan Cakir Z, Bengisu S, Akpinar M.Window anterior commissure relaxation laryngoplasty in the management of high-pitched voice disorders. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008;134:1263-9.
9. Tucker HM. Complications of laryngeal framework surgery for phonation disorders. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 1993;4:232-5.
Como Citar
Jiménez, L. H., & Barreto, T. (2011). Laringoplastia de relajación o tiroplastia de tipo III. Universitas Medica, 53(1), 86–93.
Reportes de caso