Published Oct 16, 2018


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Blanca Barco

Alejandro Carrasco



This paper reflects on how the qualitative researches on education can lead to causal explanations. To do so, this work aims to analyze the concept of causality and its positioning in both the positivist and interpretative paradigms. Next, an in-depth work is developed about the strategies and analyses enabling the production of contextualized and conceptualized mechanisms. In addition, drawing on a qualitative research about school selection, the production of causal explanations and mechanisms will be instantiated through the research outcomes. Finally, concludes on the contribution of the critical realism to the qualitative researches, so as to produce causal explanations.


Causal analysis, pedagogical research, schooling optionsAnálisis causal, investigación pedagógica, opciones educativas

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How to Cite
Barco, B., & Carrasco, A. (2018). Causal Explanations in the Qualitative Researches: School Selection in Chile. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 11(22), 113–124.