Published Dec 31, 2022


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Aldo Ocampo-González



As an intellectual and political project, inclusive education focuses its field of work on an attention to power relations and social inequalities. This article discusses how the category of analysis plays a role in the relations of power and the cultural representations which it studies. It can be understood in terms of an indeterminate phenomenon which  clearly serves to alter the dynamics of the accumulation of knowledge governed by the modernist, totalizing logos. It is an open and unlimited way of thinking. With all of its strength, it is opposed to the onto-politico-semiologic-structural binary ideas which underlie the building of Western metaphysical thought.


Inclusive education, epistemology, ontology, methodology, post-disciplineEducación inclusiva, epistemología, ontología, metodología, post-disciplinaEducação inclusiva; neo-materialismo heurístico; diasporismo e nomadismo teórico; epistemologia da educação inclusiva.

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How to Cite
Ocampo-González, A. (2022). The Epistemology of Inclusive Education. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 15, 1–32.
Dossier Inclusive Education Research