Published Nov 28, 2011


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Karen Sarmiento Acuña



Ophidian accidents in Colombia is a public health problem that has its greatest impact on rural areas, where it has been observed that there is a deficit of knowledge in physicians regarding the diagnosis and treatment of snakebites, as well as appropriate management of the antivenoms. 

A systematic review of articles in Pubmed and special libraries has been done in order to review the information available nationally on snakebites, which generally includes diagnostic bases for ophidian poisoning and the medical treatments based on available antivenoms in the country.

It should be noted the importance of taking into account the actions or treatments that should not be carried out in snakebites since they are the main measures to prevent complications.


ofidismo, neurotoxicidad, bloqueo neuromuscular, neutralización, venenos de serpientes, Snakebites, neurotoxicity, neuromuscular blockade, neutralization of snake venoms,

How to Cite
Sarmiento Acuña, K. (2011). Biomedical aspects of the snakebite. Universitas Medica, 53(1), 68–85.
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