Published Aug 30, 2013


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Gabriel Alonso Mosquera Klinger

Fernando Vela Lozada

Carlos Álvarez Moreno



Leptospirosis is an acute generalized infectious disease, produced by spirochetes Leptospira, caracterized by an extensive vasculitis. Should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of febrile syndrome in our population. We report a series of 14 cases with symptoms indicative of leptospirosis, which showed positive serology for Leptospira spp., confirming the diagnosis. Demographic characteristics are described in our population was more common in people between 20 and 35 years. In 35.7% there was a history of recent travel to northern municipalities in Tolima department, and in 14.2% to municipalities in southern Cundinamarca. 71.4% of patients had risk factors for infection. Most emergency room visits occurred seven days after the onset of symptoms in all patients appear fever, headache, myalgia, and arthralgia, to a lesser extent diarrhea and abdominal pain.


Leptospirosis, febrile syndrome, jaundice, zoonosis, leptospirosis, síndrome febril, ictericia, zoonosis,

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How to Cite
Mosquera Klinger, G. A., Vela Lozada, F., & Álvarez Moreno, C. (2013). Report of 14 cases of Leptospirosis in a 4th-Level University Hospital from 2010 to 2012. Universitas Medica, 55(1), 93–100.
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