Published Feb 6, 2017


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Fritz Eduardo Gempeler Rueda

Ana María De Brigard Pérez



Knowing the poor results derived from CPR,
some decades ago the so called non-reanimation
orders were established. Now a days and given
the individual guaranties trends adopted in the
medical practice, the non-reanimation orders are
understood as the decisions agreed upon by the
physicians and the patient or their representatives not to undertake a CPR should there be a
heart arrest. The definition of the clinical practice limits has slowly been accepted considering
the subsequent results in the life expectancy,
however, it is not yet clear the compatibly of
the theses decisions — considered restrictive —
on patients who will need a medical treatment.
The purpose of this article is to present a conceptual framework for this dilemma and provide
answers to the formulation, consequences and
implications of a non-reanimation orders period


cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bioethics, heart arrest, ethics.resucitación cardiopulmonar, bioética, paro cardiaco, ética

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How to Cite
Gempeler Rueda, F. E., & De Brigard Pérez, A. M. (2017). Do not Resuscitated Orders in Adult Patients. Universitas Medica, 57(3), 374–382.
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