Published Apr 1, 2017


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Mary García Acero

Silvia Plata



Introduction: Congenital anomalies are a structural or functional alteration with impact on infant morbidity and mortality and disability worldwide. Strategies aimed to reduce their impact are supported by surveillance systems. In Colombia, since 2010 the report of congenital anomalies was included in the surveillance system (Sivigila). Aim: To characterize epidemiologically the notification of the event from its inclusion. Materials and methods: Is carried out descriptive analysis of the events reported during January of 2010 to December of 2013. Results: We found a prevalence of congenital malformations of 0.35% in Colombia during the analyzed period. The congenital anomalies with more frequent notification were those of the central nervous system and the anomalies of limbs. Conclusions: The prevalence reported for congenital malformations in Colombia is low compared to that reported in the literature that is between 3.0-7.0% of the population. The low rate of notification for congenital anomalies evidence the need for training to improve the notification of this event, to have a record closer to the reality of the population and thus be able to take decisions for the benefit of the population and in the generation of knowledge on this topic.


congenital anomalies, congenital malformations, notification, epidemiological surveillance.anomalías congénitas, malformaciones congénitas, notificación, vigilancia epidemiológica

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How to Cite
García Acero, M., & Plata, S. (2017). Characterization of Congenital Anomalies since Inclusion in the Sivigila Surveillance System in Colombia, 2010-2013. Universitas Medica, 58(1).
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