Published May 7, 2020


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Atilio Moreno Carrillo



Humanity has always been linked to innovation, there are numerous examples that in this sense have marked the course of history. The ​​health area has not been alien to the innovation benefits in its development, in recent decades there have been great advances and contributions in the diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation processes of various diseases. However, although innovation capacity is an essential competence to face the challenges that arise with the advancement of new technologies, the Latin America potential in relation to this issue is still below of other regions the world. Innovation in the health sector must be a process of creating value for the individual, society and companies that seeks the introduction of new goods or services, care or production processes and business and organizational models to improve efficiency and the competitiveness of organizations, obtain social benefits and generate economic benefits. There are many challenges that arise day by day in the care process of the emergency units that could be addressed through innovative solutions, through actions outside traditional standards. This article reflects on the justification and purpose of innovation in emergency units and addresses strategies and tools that can be used to consolidate and operate innovation.

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How to Cite
Carrillo, A. M. (2020). Innovation in Emergency Units. Universitas Medica, 61(3).
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