Published Sep 21, 2022


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Carlos Marío Cortés-Bahamón

Diana Carolina Gámez-Fragoso

Diego Andrés Chavarro Carvajal

Ronald Camilo Gómez Arteaga



Upper digestive tract hemorrhage is a pathology with a high incidence in adults over 65 years old, being one of the medical complications that most require health services. Currently given the change in the demographic pyramid with an unprecedented growth in the population of older adults makes it an entity of great interest in medical practice for geriatrics, gastroenterology, and interventional radiology services. Also, due to its increasing incidence with age. We will analyze the case of a nonagenarian patient, who presented upper gastrointestinal bleeding, without adequate control with endoscopic maneuvers such as sclerotherapy and clips, who required endovascular management with an adequate response to the intervention.

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How to Cite
Cortés-Bahamón, C. M., Gámez-Fragoso, D. C., Chavarro Carvajal, D. A., & Gómez Arteaga, R. C. (2022). Arterial Embolization to Control Upper Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding: A Case Report. Universitas Medica, 63(3).
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