Published Jan 14, 2020


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Pelusa Orellana-García

María Francisca Valenzuela-Hasenohr

Melody Kung

Jeff Elmore

A. Jackson Stenner



This study describes the creation and validation of an adaptive and self-applied test of lexicon in Spanish for kindergarten to eighth-grade basic school students. Using a corpus of 1,000,000 words from school texts, some words with different frequency and difficulty were selected. The test items were prepared according to the test format PPVT representing each word with pictures. The distractors were generated randomly from the same corpus. The construct validity, concurrent validity and internal consistency were determined. EVOC is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate the lexicon in Spanish that allows adapting the pedagogical practices to the student’s needs.



Vocabulario, comprensión, evaluación, semánticaVocabularies, comprehension, evaluation, semantics

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How to Cite
Orellana-García, P., Valenzuela-Hasenohr, M. F., Kung, M., Elmore, J., & Stenner, A. J. (2020). EVOC: An Instrument to Evaluate the Spanish Lexicon in Chile. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 13, 1–26.