Published Feb 23, 2022


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María del Pilar Cox-Vial

Gisele Belén Sabat-Donoso

Guillermo Zamora-Poblete

Marisa Meza-Pardo



Building an effective pedagogical authority relationship is a challenge for new teachers. This research seeks to understand the strategies used by high school teachers during their first year of teaching and the teacher-student relationship during this stage. Observation records and interviews were examined. Six categories were detected, those that facilitated teacher-student relationships with a vertical tendency (greater teacher control), horizontal (greater student participation) or a combination of both. When comparing the strategies of the beginning and end of the year, a trend towards more horizontal teacher-student relationships was observed.


Secondary school teachers, educational strategies , classroom techniques, teaching, student teacher relationship, teacher authority, classroom environmentAutorité de l'enseignant; environnement de classe; relation professeur-enseignant; stratégie d'enseignement; processus d'apprentissage; gestion des cours; le leadershipAutoridade do professor; ambiente de classe; relação professor professor; estratégia de ensino; processo de aprendizagem; gestão de aulas; liderançaProfesores de secundaria, estrategias educativas, gestión de las clases, procesos de enseñanza, relación profesor-alumno, autoridad del docente, ambiente de la clase

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How to Cite
Cox-Vial, M. del P., Sabat-Donoso, G. B., Zamora-Poblete, G., & Meza-Pardo, M. (2022). Novice Teachers: Strategies for Establishing a Relationship of Pedagogical Authority. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 15, 1–22.