Published Jun 1, 2009

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Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio



Freud’s moments.1913:Education would be better if children it were aware of children development. Directing drive toward s worthy goals enhances both creativity and joy.1925:Education has its functions, though it does not lead to maturity; this cannot be resolved by psychoanalysis, because transference does not work within children. The advantageous psychoanalytic instruction would go deep into psychoanalyzed teachers.1932:the same pedagogic procedure does not homogeneously benefit, it is not possible to make a psychic prophylaxis. Children, unable to govern drives, can be psychoanalyzed. It is convenient having parents who have been psychoanalyzed, besides having a teacher who knows psychoanalytic information and therapy.


Piaget theory, child development, educators, Psychoanalysisteoría piagetiana, desarrollo infantil, personal docente, psicoanálisisteoria Piaget, Desenvolvimento infantil, Pessoal docente, PsicanáliseTeoría piagetiana, desarrollo infantil, personal docente, psicoanálisis

Freud, Anna (1930). Introducción al psicoanálisis para educadores. Barcelona: Paidós, 1984.

Freud, Sigmund (1913). El interés por el psicoanálisis. En Obras completas, Vol. XIII. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1990.
How to Cite
Bustamante Zamudio, G. (2009). Research, psychoanalysis and education - Part II: Research advance: Freud, education, psychoanalysis. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(2). Retrieved from