Published Jun 1, 2011


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Graciela Uribe Álvarez

Zahyra Camargo Martínez



This review paper presents the analysis of certain scholarly reading and writing practices at Colombian universities, as found in various databases and proceedings of congresses, colloquia,seminaries, and meetings that are available online or on CD-ROM.It aims to contribute to the academic dialogue among educations professionals by putting forward experiences in specific fields.The results are based on the analysis of 40 research papers.This review seeks to put forward the problems recognized by the different scholars and their groups, in order to explain how this inter-institutional research project treats questions raised in relation to the reading and writing processes in higher education.



Colombia, higher Education, information User Instruction, Scientific Culture, Science Popularization,, Reading Guidance, Writing (composition)Colombie, enseignement supérieur, formation des utilisateurs d'information, culture scientifique, vulgarisation scientifique, orientation de lecture, expression écriteColômbia, ensino superior, instrução do usuário da informação, cultura científica, popularização da ciência, orientação de leitura, composiçãoColombia, enseñanza superior, formación de usuarios de información, cultura científica, divulgación científica, orientación para la lectura, redacción

How to Cite
Uribe Álvarez, G., & Camargo Martínez, Z. (2011). Scholarly Reading and writing Practices at Colombian universities. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 3(6).

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