Published Dec 31, 2012


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Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio



Kant describes human specificity to deal with the issue of Pedagogy (Training). It is proposed such specificity in terms of paradoxical side of the fault. The human care differs from the animal care: There seems to be a lack of programming about it, yet it is done for the child survives and to introduce him/her in the social field (whichhas nothing natural). But this at tempt, Kant calls Discipline, comes upon resistance:the momentum, one not to be able (impotence) stop, that might be the effect of the denaturalization carried out; this way, the discipline remains, introduces pause, and leads to desire. Only then has the possibility education. Tell someone who can listen, the speculations conquered (or inherited) by the company that hosts it.


Missing, Care, Promotion, Discipline, Desire, Training, LanguageCarence, soin, force, discipline, désir, instruction, langageFalta, cuidado, impulso, disciplina, desejo, instrução, linguagemFalta, cuidado, impulso, disciplina, deseo, instrucción, lenguaje

How to Cite
Bustamante Zamudio, G. (2012). Pedagogy of Kant: a philosophy of education?. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 5(10).