Published Apr 13, 2012


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Patricia Pérez Perilla

Atilio Moreno Carrillo

Luis Zarco Montero



In currently, emergency services are faced with patients that have severe neurological damage after traumatic brain injury, and especially in those that during the initial resuscitation is achieved hemodynamic stability, required intubation and mechanical ventilation support, and were unable to recovery functional brain, leading to the suspicion of brain death. It is futile for those patients with a high probability of certainty of this diagnosis need to be hospitalized to intensive care unit but, it is necessary for those patients with a diagnosis of brain death, potential organ donor, can offer a last selfless service in your existence. Emergency physicians should make this diagnosis when is appropriate, and know the legal field that surrounds it.


Brain death, brain death criteria, emergency, practical guidelines, jurisprudence, muerte encefálica, medicina de emergencia, guía de práctica clínica, normas jurídicas,

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How to Cite
Pérez Perilla, P., Moreno Carrillo, A., & Zarco Montero, L. (2012). Diagnosis of Brain Death in the Emergency Room of San Ignacio Hospital from Bogota, Colombia: Practical Guideline. Universitas Medica, 53(4), 420–430.