Published Oct 8, 2020

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Jenniffer Alejandra Castellanos Garzon

David Moreno Martinez

Lina Magaly Paredes Leon

Liliana Salazar

Maria Carolina Pustovrh



The World Health Organization estimates that 40% of women of reproductive age are overweight, a contributing factor in the rise in pregnancies with risk of perinatal morbidity and non-communicable chronic diseases. Studies associate obesity with emotional fragility, which negatively affects glucocorticoid regulation; adverse experiences can leave their molecular imprint by modifying placental glucocorticoid signaling. The objective of this study is to determine the molecular expression of glucocorticoid receptors in the placenta at term in pregnant women of normal weight, in those with pregestational obesity, and gestational obesity, in order to correlate the results with a range of social, economic, demographic and emotional factors. Cross-sectional study, in a third level hospital in Cali. Sample: 60 women (20 of normal weight, 20 with pregestational obesity and 20 gestational obesity) will complete an epidemiological, anthropometric and emotional health survey. Extraction of placental messenger RNA will be performed on each placenta, followed by reverse transcription and real-time PCR of the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1. It will be possible to establish whether there are changes in the expression levels of the glucocorticoid receptors NR3C1 in the placentas of the groups selected by maternal weight and if these changes are related to the anthropometric, clinical and emotional characteristics identified.


glucocorticoids, stress, gestational obesity, pregestational obesity, pregnancyGlucorticoides, estres, obesidad gestacional, obesidad pregestacional, embarazo

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How to Cite
Castellanos Garzon, J. A., Moreno Martinez, D., Paredes Leon, L. M., Salazar, L., & Pustovrh, M. C. (2020). Expresión molecular de glucocorticoides en placenta y su relación con el índice de masa corporal materno. Universitas Medica. Retrieved from
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