Published Feb 15, 2024


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Mariana Luna Viaña

Laura Daniela Puche Varón

Lorenzo García Tissot

Natalia Londoño de Vivero

Claudia Marcela Granados Rugeles

Diana Carolina Estrada Cano



The COVID-19 pandemic caused multiple lifestyle, health and social changes. This situation has impacted children and teenagers that live around the world, causing several worries in caretakers. This survey aimed to inquire the caretakers perception of change in screen consumption, eating habits, physical activity, sleep hours, and sleep alterations. There were 132 participants who answered it completely. In the survey, the anterior aspects were evaluated before covid-19 mandatory quarantine, during the quarantine and after the quarantine. We identified important dietary differences, changes in physical activity, screen consumption and in sleep hours and alterations. This study leaves us with important questions about what changes can be made in the daily pediatric clinical consult, and what suggestions can be given to the child's caretaker if there is a future similar public health situation. Finally, we have identified important changes in children’s and teenagers' lifestyles that should be taken into account at the pediatricians consultation.


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How to Cite
Luna Viaña, M., Puche Varón, L. D., García Tissot, L., Londoño de Vivero, N., Granados Rugeles, C. M., & Estrada Cano, D. C. (2024). Effects of the Pandemic on the Habits of Children and Adolescents: An Opportunity to Reflect and Act. Universitas Medica, 64(3).
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