Published Jun 1, 2009

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Mauricio Pérez Abril



This article presents two lines of thought that provoke tension among some postulates related to legitimacy in qualitative research; those related to issues like validity as a way to achieve legitimacy. I take a stance for research, basically, as an activity of discursive production that follows argumentation to guarantee its legitimacy. Finding support in some key ideas from Roland Barthes, Jesús Ibáñez and Irene Vasilachis, I depict an epistemological perspective that falls within the current discussion about qualitative research in social science.


Qualitative methods (research), theory of knowledge, information theory in the social sciencesInvestigación cualitativa, teoría del conocimiento, teoría de la información en ciencias socialesPesquisa Qualitativa, Teoria do Conhecimento, Teoria da informação nas ciências sociais

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How to Cite
Pérez Abril, M. (2009). Editorial. About legitimacy in qualitative research. Magis, Revista Internacional De Investigación En Educación, 1(2). Retrieved from