Published Aug 14, 2012


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Juan Carlos Acevedo González

Gloria Viviana López Cárdenas

Miguel Enrique Berbeo Calderón

Óscar Zorro Guio

Roberto Carlos Díaz Orduz

Óscar Feo Lee



70 % of patients with spinal cord injuries are chronic and disabling neuropathic pain. This article presents the 23 years-old patient case, who suffered an infrasegmentary severe pain by spinal cord trauma. We performed neurosurgical treatment of pain. Drezotomy is selective section of nociceptive fibers in the spinal segments involved. The patient has 24 months of complete improvement and discontinuation of analgesics.


dolor, neuralgia, dolor intratable, Pain, neuralgia, pain intractable,

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How to Cite
Acevedo González, J. C., López Cárdenas, G. V., Berbeo Calderón, M. E., Zorro Guio, Óscar, Díaz Orduz, R. C., & Feo Lee, Óscar. (2012). Microsurgical Drezotomy for Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury: Long Term Results in a Patient. Universitas Medica, 54(2), 268–281.
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