Published Oct 8, 2020

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Maria Carolina Pustovrh



Hormonal changes and changes in metabolic demands occur during pregnancy with effects on thyroid function.

Objective: To evaluate maternal and neonatal TSH levels in obese pregnant women

Methods: Case-control study. Versalles Clinic. Ethics Committee 063-016. Sixty pregnant women between 18-37 years old, single pregnancy, at term (between 37-41.6 weeks). No comorbidities. Groups 1) normal weight (N): 20 women with normal BMI at the beginning of pregnancy; Gestational weight gain: between 10-13 Kg. 2) Gestational obesity (Og): 20 women with normal BMI at the beginning of pregnancy, excessive weight gain during pregnancy. Pregestational obesity (Op): BMI> 30 at the beginning of pregnancy. The thyroid profile was evaluated using a sample of maternal blood before delivery and blood from the umbilical cord.

Results: Maternal TSH did not show significant differences between the groups. However, the total T3 was higher in the Op vs N group (1.91 ± 0.06 vs 1.71 ± 0.06 ng / mL; p <0.05). Neonatal TSH was significantly lower in the Op vs N group (2.048 ± 0.138 vs 2.802 ± 0.180; p <0.05)

Conclusion: Pre-pregnancy obesity modifies maternal and neonatal HT levels and impacts on the metabolism and transport of these hormones at the placental level

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How to Cite
Pustovrh, M. C. (2020). Hormonas tiroideas como marcadores de salud materno fetal en obesidad. Universitas Medica. Retrieved from
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