Published Aug 28, 2023


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Estefanía Callejas De Luca

Mateo Albornoz Sánchez

María Camila Gómez Ayala

Viviana Rodríguez

María Paula Matiz

Edwin Pulido

Esperanza Peña Torres

Magda Cristina Cepeda-Gil

Felipe Botero Rodríguez

Yazmín Cadena-Camargo

Camila Hernández González



The current administration of Bogotá (Colombia) seeks to adjust the city's health model, base it on primary care and offer quality health care. Hence, the District Health Secretariat has carried out, for three months, a pilot test of interdisciplinary territorial teams that provide resolute home care in the most vulnerable areas of the city to adjust before its deployment throughout the city. The objective of the accompaniment was, among others, to investigate the experiences and perspectives of the actors involved in the planning and execution of this pilot in order to recognize learning and generate recommendations for adjusting the operation of the equipment. Through a mixed analysis, the information collected through focus groups and in-depth interviews with the participants of the exercise was analysed, who highlighted the importance of the phases prior to implementation, covering an adequate induction and training of professionals in the field; prior dissemination of the intervention; community involvement during the planning, implementation and monitoring process; the prior assurance of the inputs and knowledge required for care, and the adaptation of the proposed strategies to the territorial context. It is important to point out that this type of health program must have an iterative development process, which requires constant evaluation in the different stages of planning and implementation that lead to improvements in the processes.


primary health care, community medicine, health care modelsatención primaria de salud, medicina comunitaria, modelos de atención en salud


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How to Cite
Callejas De Luca, E., Albornoz Sánchez, M., Gómez Ayala, M. C., Rodríguez, V., Matiz, M. P., Pulido, E., Peña Torres, E., Cepeda-Gil, M. C., Botero Rodríguez, F., Cadena-Camargo, Y., & Hernández González, C. (2023). Assessment of Experiences and Needs in the Implementation of the Pilot for the Deployment of Territorial Teams: Health Model based on Primary Care in Bogotá (Colombia), 2021. Universitas Medica, 64(3).
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