Publicado Dec 18, 2018


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Juan Nicolás Pavajeau

Daniela Arias

Maria Camila Echeverria

Paula Aranguren

Luisa Natalia Gutérrez

Luis Fernando Gómez Gutiérrez



Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to characterize the perceptions of university students regarding alcohol consumption and the availability of alcohol outlets in the urban perimeter of a university in Bogota. Methods: A mixed cross-sectional study was conducted among 201 undergraduate students aged 18-27 using a non-probabilistic sampling design. The perceptions regarding alcohol consumption in the surrounding area of the university were assessed via a self-reported questionnaire. Geographic Information Systems were used to identify the alcohol outlets. Results: Of the students surveyed, 66% reported that they had consumed alcohol in the surrounding area of the university, and 26% agreed with the implementation of strict measures to control alcohol consumption, with a higher percentage in those who did not consume alcohol (41.2%). The geographic analysis showed that several urban attributes were correlated with alcohol consumption. Conclusion: The results of this study show the potential influence that the availability of alcohol outlets near a university campus has as a public health issue. Further studies should be conducted in order to better understand the links between urban contexts near universities and alcohol consumption.

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Como Citar
Pavajeau, J. N., Arias, D., Echeverria, M. C., Aranguren, P., Gutérrez, L. N., & Gómez Gutiérrez, L. F. (2018). Alcohol Consumption in Urban Settings in the Surrounding Area of a University in Bogotá. Results of a Pilot Study. Universitas Medica, 60(1).
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