• Magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación

    magis, International Journal of Education Research

    ISSN: 2027-1182 (Online) | ISSN: 2027-1174 (Print)


    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Scopus | Emerging Sources Citation Index | Redalyc | EBSCO | ProQuest

    The journal takes ...

  • Papel Político

    Papel Político journal of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) is a semi-annual periodical publication, which disseminates the intellectual production of the international and national academic communit ...

  • Signo y Pensamiento

    ISSN: 2027-2731 (Online) | ISSN: 0120-4823 (Print)

    Signo y Pensamiento, Journal of Communication, Information and Languages, focuses on the following subjects: theoretical and methodological trends in communication and their interdisciplinary links; models for the organ ...

  • Theologica Xaveriana

    ISSN: 2011-219X (Online) | ISSN: 0120-3649 (Print)


    Theologica Xaveriana is an international,  double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access, and semiannual journal edited by the School of Theology of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, D.C. ( ...

  • Universitas Humanística

    ISSN: 2011-2734(Online) | ISSN: 0120-4807 (Print)

    Universitas Humanística is a scientific journal. It privileges the publication of studies that make use of critical theories and situated perspectives. It also has a particular interest on publishing researches which di ...

  • Universitas Medica

    ISSN: 2011-0839 (Online) | ISSN: 0041-9095 (Print)

    The journal develops research in health as a subject area with emphasis on research that broadens the framework of teaching and patient care. Universitas Medica is the official publication of the Faculty of Medicine of ...

  • Universitas Odontologica

    ISSN: 2027-3444 (online) | ISSN: 0120-4319 (print)

    Universitas Odontologica is an open access scientific peer-reviewed journal published by the Pontifical Xavierian University Dental School from Bogota, Colombia. The journal publishes high-qual ...

  • Universitas Philosophica

    ISSN: 2346-2426 (Online) | ISSN: 0120-5323 (Print)

    Universitas Philosophica focuses on the promotion of Philosophy and its relationship with other sciences, practices and forms of knowledge. This journal is aimed at promoting a socially responsible rel ...

  • Universitas Psychologica

    ISSN: 2011-2777 (Online) | ISSN: 1657-9267 (Print)

    Psychology; Multidisciplinary Psychology; General Psychology; Social Psychology

    Universitas Psychologica is a trimestral scientific journal of a thematic and theoretical wide spectrum. It is a publication of gene ...

  • Universitas Scientiarum

    Universitas Scientiarum: (ISSN: 0122-7483; E-ISSN: 2027-1352) is a multidisciplinary, Open-Acces, peer-reviewed, first-online journal devoted to the promotion of the recent progress in all fields of exact and natural sciences. The objective of Universitas Sci ...

  • Vniversitas

    ISSN: 2011-1711 (En línea) | ISSN: 0041-9060 (Impreso)

    Vniversitas es una publicación de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas. Se edita de manera ininterrumpida desde 1951.

    Scopus | Redalyc | Scielo | EBSCO | ProQuest | Publindex-Minciencias |

  • Salud Javeriana

    Revista de divulgación científica de las Facultades de Medicina y Enfermería de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (HUSI)


    ISSN: 3028-7812 (En línea)

  • Investigación en Enfermería Imagen y Desarrollo

    ISSN: 2027-128X (Online) | ISSN: 0124-2054 (Print)

    Investigación en Enfermería: Imagen y Desarrollo (ISSN 0124-2059, eISSN 2027-128X) is a scientific journal edited since 1999. It publishes original research articles describing nursing approaches to clinical and ...

  • Ambiente y Desarrollo

    ISSN: 2346-2876 (Online) | ISSN: 0121-7607 (Print)


  • Memoria y Sociedad

    ISSN: 2248-6992 (Online) | ISSN: 0122-5197 (Print)

  • International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional

    ISSN: 1692-8156 (Print) | ISSN: 2011-1703 (Online)

    Discontinued January 2018

  • Revista de la Maestría en Derecho Económico

    ISSN versión impresa 1692-3103 | ISSN versión en Línea 2145-610X

    Publicación descontinuada en diciembre de 2011.