

Perception of innovation in organizations. Perception of innovation in organizations of Spain and Latin América

Silvia Cristina da Costa Dutra, Dario Páez, Sonia Gondim, Marta Rodriguez, Silvia Mazzieri, Alejandro Torres, Gaudi Personas, Flor Sanchez

Comparison of three school-based prevention programs to reduce cannabis use as a function of provider type

Mónica Gázquez Pertusa, José Antonio García del Castillo Rodríguez, Álvaro García del Castillo-López, Carmen López-Sánchez

Reason for treatment abandonment from the perspective of the patient with an eating disorder

María Yolanda Vellisca González, José I. Latorre, Santos Orejudo, Andrés Gómez del Barrio, Laura Moreno, Irene Checa Esquiva

Portuguese psychology: Placing the professional practice and training in a global context

Vitor Alexandre Coelho, Marta Marchante, Patrícia Brás, Liliana Pereira

Validation of the Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) in Colombian population

Mario Andrés Valderrama Diaz, Javier Mauricio Bianchi Salguero, Javier Andres Villalba Garzon

Construct Validity of the WISC-IV among a Brazilian Sample

Fabián Javier Marín Rueda, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, Ana Paula Porto Noronha

The relationship between junior and senior nurses. Analysis of a case of intergenerational discrimination using the RepMut tool

Philippe Castel, Carlos Roberto Velandia-coustol, Florent Mangin, Audrey Peteuil, Marie Jegu, Marie-Françoise Lacassagne

Spanish Adaptation of the HPLP-II toward with a Sample of Employees

María-José Serrano-Fernández, Joan Boada-Grau, Carme Gil-Ripoll, Andreu Vigil-Colet

Police Violence and Coping: Posttraumatic Growth in a Community Isolated of Southern Chile

Felipe E. Garcia, Camila Capponi, Francisca Hinrichs, Felipe Lillo, Camila Rodríguez, Jeniffer Sánchez

The Openness/Intellect Model on the M5-50: Supporting the Flexibility of IPIP-Based Instruments

M. Alexandra Vuyk, Paul B. Ingram IV, Karen D. Multon, Craig A. Warlick

The Role of the Motivation in the Prediction of Procedimental Knowledge in Basketball Players

Eduardo Cervelló Gimeno, David González-Cutre, Damián Iglesias Gallego, Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia

Relational Flexibility and Parental Stress

Yors Garcia, Ivonne A. Grau-Gonzalez, Liliana Cristiano-Botia

Validation of the Age Universal I-E Scale in Mexican Subjects

Armando Rivera-Ledesma, Sandra Zavala-Jiménez, María Montero-López Lena, Rosa María García-Mendez
